

Investigation of Lime Mortar Characteristics for the Conservation of the Ottoman Baths in Seferihisar-Urla RegionÖzlem ÇİZERAssoc.Prof.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2004
Construction Techniques and Materials of the Ottoman Period Baths in Seferihisar-Urla RegionKader REYHANAssoc.Prof.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2004
Evaluation of Alterations in Ottoman Hans in Tire for their RestitutionSevinç EĞERCİOĞLUAssoc.Prof.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2005
Conservation Problems of Historic Wall Paintings of Taxiarhis Church in Cunda, AyvalıkKerem ŞERİFAKİAssoc.Prof.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2005
Characterization of Horasan Plasters from Some Ottoman Baths in İzmirElif UĞURLUAssoc.Prof.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2005
Classification and Visual Analysis of Weathering Forms of Stone in Kadıkalesi, KuşadasıIşıl TALUAssoc.Prof.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2005
Properties of Roman Bricks and Mortars Used in Serapis Temple in BergamaÖzlem ASLAN ÖZKAYAAssoc.Prof.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2005
Examination of Dampness Problems of a Historic HouseBülent YARDIMAssist.Prof.Dr. S. Sarp TUNÇOKU2006
Evaluation of Interventions in Western Stoa of Agora in İzmirN. Funda YAKAProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2006
Refunctioning of Old Taneries in Kuşadası, AydınZeynep G. TEKETAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine HAMAMCIOĞLU TURAN2006
Conservation Project of Latife Hanım House in Karşıyaka, İzmirEsra DİPBURUNAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine HAMAMCIOĞLU TURAN2006
Characteristics of Limes Produced From Marbles and LimestonesGülcan TOPRAKProf.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2007
Documentation of a Historical House With Close Range Digital Photogrammetryİpek AKBAYLARAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine HAMAMCIOĞLU TURAN2008
The Examination of Construction Techniques of Muğla Historic HousesBurcu IRGAT ERGİNAssist.Prof.Dr. S.Sarp TUNÇOKU2008
Restoration of a Historic Olive Oil Mill in AltınolukAbdurrahman KİBARAssist.Prof.Dr. S.Sarp TUNÇOKU2008
Evaluation of Conservation Problems of Değirmendağı Disrtict in İzmirÖzge AKBULUTProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2008
Evaluation of Stone Weathering of Aigai Bouleuterion After its ExcavationÇağlayan Deniz KAPLANProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2009
Examination of Deterioration Problems of Andesite Used in Aigai AgoraFulya MURTEZAOĞLUProf.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2009
Documentation of Necatibey Boulevard in İzmir With Close Range Digital PhotogrammetryGamze SAYGIAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine HAMAMCIOĞLU TURAN2009
Characterization of Pigments Used in the Execution of Wall Paintings in KadıkalesiSerap DEMİRProf.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2010
Air Pollution Effects on the Façade of the Botter Apartment in İstanbulBirsen PARLAKProf.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2010
Investigation of the Preservation Problems of the Mescid and Türbe of Akşebe Sultan in AlanyaFatma Selin ŞAHİNAssoc.Prof.Dr. S.Sarp TUNÇOKU2010
Three Dimensional Modeling of Urla, Hersekzade Ahmet Paşa Bath Based on Tacheometric MeasurementGizem ÇITAKAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine HAMAMCIOĞLU TURAN2010
Investigation of Ottoman Period Fountains in İzmir/Çeşme for Their PreservationAhmet KARAÇÖLAssoc.Prof.Dr. S.Sarp TUNÇOKU2011
Investigation of Conservation Problems of the Prophet Ellias (Elijah) Church in İzmirDoğay KORKMAZProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2011
Image-based Three-Dimensional Modeling of İzmir Çakaloğlu KhanÜmmühan PALAOĞLUProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2012
Photogrammetric Evaluation Options for Ancient Structures in Hypokremnos, Pagos, Paradiso and NysaFunda UYGUNAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine HAMAMCIOĞLU TURAN2013
Documentation of the Lower Bath in Metropolis, Torbalı, İzmir for the Assessment of Heritage CharacteristicsSuna BÜYÜKKILIÇAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine HAMAMCIOĞLU TURAN2013
Material characteristics and Deterioration Problems of Roman Mosaics in Antandros Ancient CityZişan KARAYAZILIProf.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2013
Evaluation of Architectural Heritage Characteristics of Bekirbeyler House in Kula, ManisaEsra KIRTAŞAssoc.Prof.Dr. Mine HAMAMCIOĞLU TURAN2014
Identification of Historical Houses in Susuz Dede Park, Göztepe, İzmirÇisel BOZTEPEAssoc.Prof.Dr. Mine HAMAMCIOĞLU TURAN2014
Evaluation of conservation problems of the Lead Mosque in Scutari, AlbaniaEltjona LAÇAJProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2014
Revitalization of the historic ‘Çarshia e Madhe’ in Gjakova (Kosovo)Arnisa KRYEZIUProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2014
Conservation aimed evaluation of Darkale rural settlement in Soma, ManisaAyşen ETLACAKUŞAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine Turan2015
Investigation of tower-houses in Montenegro for their preservation: Restoration proposal for Ganic Family House in RozajeEnes NURKOVİÇAssist.Prof.Dr. Selim Sarp Tunçoku2015
Examination of architectural characteristics and construction techniques of two historic mosques at Hisarlik and Yiğenli villages of Tire–Izmir for the purpose of preservationEmre Feral SAATÇIAssist.Prof.Dr. Selim Sarp TUNÇOKU2015
Restoration of a historic olive oil mill in DikiliDidem KINCIAssist.Prof.Dr. Selim Sarp TUNÇOKU2015
Evaluation of Conservation Problems of Anaia Byzantine Church, Kadıkalesi, KuşadasıMehmet Buğra KANMAZProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2016
Conservation of Kuseyri Soap Factory as an Industrial Heritage in AntakyaDerya CAMUZProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2016
Typology of Historical Turkish Baths in Urla and Seferihisar, İzmirAysun ALPAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine TURAN2016
Identification of Vezirağa Aqueduct in İzmir as a Historical MonumentF. Sezgi MAMAKLIAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine TURAN2016
Restoration of a Traditional Residential Building in ŞanlıurfaKeziban ÇELİKProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2016
Plaster Characteristics of Çinili Hamam Built by Mimar Sinan in İstanbulEmre İPEKCİProf. Dr. Hasan BÖKE2016
Importance of Condition Survey and Report of Built Cultural Heritage: Düzce (Hereke) BathYasemin ÜNALProf.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2017
Restitution Proposals for Ruined Traditional Houses in IldırıCemre CEVİZAssoc.Prof.Dr. Fatma Nurşen KUL2018
Current Conservation State of Some Art Nouveau Houses and Apartment Buildings in Istanbul Gizem TÜRKARSLANAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine TURAN2018
Understanding Cultural Landscape Characteristics: The Case of Barbaros Settlement, Urla-İzmirŞeyma SARIBEKİROĞLUAssoc.Prof.Dr.Fatma Nurşen KUL2018
Conservation and Presentation of Greco-Roman Temple Remains in Western Anatolia: A Critical Assessment on Selected Examples through the Concept of AnastelosisÖzge Deniz TOKÖZProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2018
Structural Model Based root Cause Investigation of Damage in Urla Helvacılar Mosque and a Proposal for StrengtheningCeren Narin GÜZELAssoc.Prof.Dr. Fatma Nurşen KUL2019
Assessment of Conservation Problems of Historic Damlacık District, Konak, İzmirPınar GÖKÇINAR BALKANProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2019
Plaster Characteristics of Historic Eski Hamam in AydınFatma GÜRHANProf.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2019
Restoration Project of Nakıbzade Münir Aga Konagı in Elbistan, KahramanmaraşBurçin GÖRÜRAssoc.Prof.Dr. Fatma Nurşen KUL2019
Problems and Rehabilitation Proposals in the Conservation of the Area Surrounding Süleymaniye ComplexHandan ALSANCAKProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2019
Historical Development of Göztepe District in İzmir and Preservation Problems of its Monumentsİpek DÜZCANAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine TURAN2019
Transformation of Iskenderun Historic urban Fabric from Mid-19th Century to the End of the French Mandate PeriodCanan NALCAAssoc.Prof.Dr. Fatma Nurşen KUL2019
Understanding Heritage Characteristics of Yeniköy Emigrant Settlement in Torbalı, İzmirEsra EKENAssoc.Prof.Dr. Fatma Nurşen KUL2019
Evaluation of Current Conservation Activities in Kuşadası Urban SiteElif Ece YÖNETKENAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine TURAN2019
Rural Heritage in Excluded Geographies from Ahkis to Çevrecik, A Village of BitlisÖzge KURBANAssoc.Prof.Dr. Fatma Nurşen KUL2019
Assessment of İzmir Halkapınar Water Pump Station for its Conservation as Industrial Heritageİdil Ece ŞENERProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2019
Archiving of the Conservation Data of Immovable Cultural Assets Dating to 1300-1600 in Urla Center Using GISVeli Mustafa YÖNDERAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine TURAN2019
Structural Conservation of Cevher Paşa Bath in Kale, DenizliFeyza DURMUŞLARAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine TURAN2019
Preservation of Cultural Routes: Historic Enter of ManisaDamla Gül Begüm KEKEAssist.Prof.Dr. Mine TURAN2019
Conservation Proposals for Historical Özbek Bath, UrlaDamla YAĞCIProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2019
Evaluation of Window Design and Daylight Performance of fuest Rooms in Kula HousesCansu BATTALProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2020
Invesitgation and Evaluation f Tehnical, Administrative and Legal Decisions Durung the Restoration Proceess of Çakmur Houses Tuncer Çağrı ÇAKMURProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2020
Conservation Proposals for Historic Mithatpaşa Military Hospital, İzmirHülya HAYRETDAĞProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2020
Conservation Aimed Evaluation of the Bath Ruin in Gülbahçe, Urla, İzmirAslı ÇAĞLIYURTProf.Dr. Mine TURAN2021
Restoration and Presentatiton of Byzantine Defense Structures in CiliciaAylin KENARProf.Dr. Mine TURAN2021
Evaluating the Conservation Problems of Tells in ŞanlıurfaDelal AYNASAssist.Prof.Dr. Fatma Nurşen KUL2022
Investigation of the Indoor Microclimate of Historic Agios Voukolos (Aziz Vukolos) Church in İzmir to Determine anda Improve Thermal Comfort ConditionsDamla YALÇIN AKINProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2022
Lime Mortar and Plaster Characteristics of Some Byzantine Period Buildings in Kadıkalesi (Anaia) and Ayasuluk HillTuğçe IŞIKAssoc.Prof.Dr. Elif UĞURLU SAĞIN2022
Characteristcs of Byzantine Period Building Bricks Used in St.Jean Baslica (Ayusuluk Hill) nad Anaia Chuch (Kadıkelesi) Elif ÇAMAssoc.Prof.Dr. Elif UĞURLU SAĞIN2022
Seismic Vulnerability Assesment of Bergama BedestenHatice Ayşegül DEMİRProf. Dr. Mine TURAN2022
Guidelines to conservation of abandoned Balıklıova VillageSait AYDINALPProf. Dr. Hülya YÜCEER2022
Assessment of conservation interventions at Bouleuteria in AnatoliaTuğçe TEKİNProf. Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2022
Climate Change Effects on Coastal Historic Settlements: Case of KuşadasıSüleyman Burçak ÇIKIKÇIProf. Dr. Hülya YÜCEER2023
The Structural Conservation Problems of Traditional Houses in Eryeri, Mardin, ArtukluYasemin ERCANProf. Dr. Mine TURAN2023
Conservation of Historic Greek School of Agios Ioannis Theologos (Saint John the Theologian and the Multicultural Settlement in its Vicinity in Kemeraltı, Izmır)Nur Sena YAZĞANProf. Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2023


Assessment of the Interventions Regarding Some Historical Mosques in Manisa within the Frame of Conservation ValuesSuna KOŞUNDoç.Dr. Mine TURAN2018
Structural Vulnerability of Ancient Dry Masonry Towers under Lateral LoadingFunda GENÇERDoç.Dr. Mine TURAN2019
Long-Term Protection Efficiency of Biodegradable Polymer Treatment on LimestoneZişan KAPLANProf.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2019
Thermal Retrofitting on Traditional Buildings with Exterior Hall (Sofa); Urban and Rural Houses of MuğlaBarış Ali TİMURProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2020
Properties of Roman Lime Binders and Pozzoolanic Aggregates Burcu TAŞCIProf.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2021
Evaluation of Stone Deterioration Problems of Anavarza Archeological Site for the Purpose of ConservationEmre İPEKCİProf.Dr. Hasan BÖKE2021
Integration of Archeological Sites with Urban Life in the Metropolitan City Centres: the Case of Agora of Smyrna/İzmirMerve ÇALIŞKANProf.Dr. Mine TURAN2022
Conservation Proposals for Göbekli Tepe EnclosuresKeziban ÇELİKProf.Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU2022
A Strategy for Disaster Risk Management Regarding Deliberate Destruction of Historic Urban Sites: Antakya, Türkiye Fatma Sezgi MAMAKLIProf. Dr. Mine TURAN2023
Evolution of the castle towns in Southwestern Anatolia and a framework for their preservationAyşen ETLACAKUŞProf. Dr. Mine TURAN2023
Sustaining Cultural Memory in Rural Landscapes: Hara Village, Fındıklı, RİZESeda CENGİZProf. Dr. Mine TURAN2023


Authentic Lighting Performance of the Antique Basilica in Smyrna AgoraZeynep Aslı AKYÜREKProf. Dr. Mine TURAN
Presentation of Multi-Layered Urban Archeological Sites: The Case of Yeşilova HöyükHilal BEYDEMİRProf. Dr. Hülya YÜCEER
Adaptive Reuse of Traditional Agro-industrial Buildings: The Case of Olive Oil Mills in Karaburun PeninsulaŞehriban DAĞLIProf. Dr. Hülya YÜCEER
Lime Mortar Characteristics of Roman Buildings of Teos Ancient CityEda YAZICIAssoc. Prof. Dr. Elif UĞURLU SAĞIN
Documentation and Characterization of the Fire Destroyed Mural Paintings of an Ottoman Mansion in İzmirKadriye DERELİ GEDİKPROF. DR. Başak İPEKOĞLU
A Digital Route Proposal for the Connection of Communities with Their Natural and Cultural HeritageŞeyma Ebrar GÜLKAYAProf. Dr. Mine TURAN
Assesment of Weathering Problems on Stone Walls of the East Bath of Gymnasium in PergamonYağmur AKSOYAssoc. Prof. Dr. Elif UĞURLU SAĞIN
Examining the Effects of Shifting Migration Patterns on the Interventions to Historical Residental Buildings in KadıfekaleBerna Bahar ÖRENProf. Dr. Hülya YÜCEER
Conservation and Reuse Proposals for Karaburun Historical Mercury Mine BuildingsAslıhan YILMAZERProf. Dr. Hülya YÜCEER


Value-Based Conservation Approach for Water HeritageSelen GÜLERProf. Dr. Hülya YÜCEER
Izmir, Konak Indoor Cinemas as Cultural Heritage: Typologies and Heritage ValuesŞeyma SARIBEKİROĞLUAssoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep AKTÜRE
A Holistic Sustainability Framework for Resilient, Energy Efficient and Circular Economy-Focused Historic BuildingsHatice Ayşegül DEMİRProf. Dr. Mine TURAN
A Method Proposal to Ensure Disabled Accessibility in Historic Public BuildingsEylem MERSİNProf. Dr. Hülya YÜCEER
Maritime Cultural Heritage Conservation Management Model Against Disaster Risks: The Case of Liman Tepe Archeological Site and Its Nearby Coastal SettlementNihan BULUTProf. Dr. Hülya YÜCEER
Contemporary Technologies in Preservation and Management of Multilayered Historical Settlements: A Model Proposal for ÇeşmeZeynep ÖZKAYA İLBEYProf. Dr. Hülya YÜCEER
Characterization of the Lime Mortars Used in the West and East Baths of the Upper Gymnasium at PergamonTuğçe AYDINALPAssoc. Prof. Dr. Elif UĞURLU SAĞIN
An Approach for Post Earthquake Structural Intervention of Traditional Houses in AntakyaYonca YILMAZProf. Dr. Mine TURAN