A Systematic Analysis of Spatial Characteristics in Anatolian Seljuk Monumental Buildings

Project No                      1998 MİM 26

Supported by                 IZMIR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

Director of the Project  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak İPEKOĞLU

Researchers                   Dr. Mine HAMAMCIOĞLU

Project Term                  April 1998 – April 1999

The Aim, the Signaficance, and the Expected Outcomes of the Project:

Seljukid Period is significant since it demonstrates the evolution of  Turkish Architecture in Anatolia. Since only a few examples of this period’s monuments have reached today, it is certainly significant to analysis their spatial qualities and evaluate their organisation principles in a systematic manner. This study aims to develop a new evaluation method for Seljukid Monuments taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of the former studies.

 divr-ulu1 amas-gok-kes bey-esrf-kes
 divr-ulu amas-gok  bey-esr-pln
Divriği Ulu Mosque – Section, plan Amasya Gök Madrasah Mosque – Section, plan Beyşehir Eşrefoğlu Mosque – Section, plan