2024 activities were presented at IZTECH Rectorate.
Final Jury Completed for RES 507 Studio
Department Seminar Series 13: Structural Conservation Problems of Mardin Houses, Yasemin ERCAN, MS
Department Seminar Series 12: Ethnographical Field Research, Assoc. Prof. Ozan UŞTUK
Department Seminar Series 11: Conservation and Management of Historic Cities: The Case of Sebastia in Nablus Palestine, Dr. Zahraa Zawawi
Department Seminar Series 10: Impact of facade orientation to the energy use of historical houses: houses with exterior hall (sofa) in Southwestern Anatolia, Dr. Barış Ali Timur
Department Seminar Series 9: Nicosia and the Poetics of Space, Hugh Clarke.
Department Seminar Series 8: Sanat Tarihinde Araştırma Yöntemleri, Dr. Çiğdem ALAS
Department Seminar Series 7: From 1:1000 to 1:1 Scale: Documentation of Archaeological Sites, Selin Küçük, MS
Department Seminar Series 6: Araştırmam için Güvenilir Yayıncılar: İyi Uygulamaları Çözümleme ve Yağmacı Yayınların Üstesinden Gelme, Gültekin Gürdal
Department Seminar Series 5: Nondestructive Evaluation Methods for Evaluating Masonry Construction, Michael Schuller
Department Seminar Series 4: "Overview of Homeacross Research Findings on Settlements Affected by Population Exchange in the Urla Peninsula", Assoc. Prof. Dr. F. Nurşen KUL
Department Seminar Series 3: Modern Non-Destructive Structural and Geotechnical Assessment Techniques for Preservation of Built Heritage. Structural Conservation Projects in Egypt, Prof. Dr. Sayed Hemeda
Department Seminar Series 2: "Conservation, Management, and Presentation Strategies for İnönü Pembe Köşk House Museum as the Witness of Early Republican Turkey", Research Assistant Pınar BALKAN
Department Seminar Series 1: ‘The Importance of Literature Review in Scientific Research’. Research Assistant Nihan BULUT.
Department Seminars 4: “Experiencing NEW in OLD: Examples from İSTANBUL” by research assistants Ayşegül DEMİR, Betül ERGÜN and Tuğçe IŞIK
Karaburun Peninsula Geological Heritage and Georoute Workshop
Department Seminars 3: Integration of Archaeological Heritage in Metropolitan City Centres with Urban Life The Case of Agora by Dr. Merve Çalışkan
April 18 International Monuments and Sites Day Workshop
Assoc. Dr. Elif Uğurlu Sağın made her presentation on "Historical Lime Mortar Properties and Production Technologies" for Doğal Yapı Malzemeleri Derneği
Department Seminars 2: Tarihi Yapılara Yeni Ek ve Tarihi Alanlarda Yeni Yapı Tasarımı by Cafer Bozkurt
Department Seminars 1: Historic Building Information Modeling and Management (HBIM) through Big Data for Cultural Heritage Conservation by Dr. Zişan Kaplan
A Regional Heritage-Focused Approach in the Urbanization Process: Karaburun Geo-route Example Workshop
Our Team is in Italy: Photogrammetry Worskhop on New Technologies for Cultural Heritage Documentation
The Impact of the February 6, 2023 Earthquake on Cultural Heritage: Damage Assessment Study in the Şanlıurfa Historical City Site
6 Şubat 2023 Depreminin Kültürel Miras Üzerindeki Etkisi: Şanlıurfa Kentsel Sit Alanı Hasar Tespit Çalışması
Seminar of Locally Available Material: A Reflection on Architecture and Source for Conservation
Seminar within context of Locally Available Material: A Reflection on Architecture and Source for Conservation...
Kemeraltı Synagogues Trip
Kemeraltı Synagogues Trip
RES 597 Research Seminar
Research Seminar within the scope of RES 597 course start.
Autumn Semester Site Survey – 511
The location of the field survey that our department organized in the context of RES...
Autumn Semester Site Survey – 501
The location of the field survey that our department organized in the context of RES...
2022-2023 Fall Semester Orientation Program has been published!
Seminar of Historic Preservation in Turkey and the USA: A Cross-Cultural Comparision
Seminar within context of Historic Preservation in Turkey and the USA: A Cross-Cultural Comparision given...
RES 597 Research Seminar
Research Seminar within the scope of RES 597 course start.
Autumn Semester Site Survey - 511
The location of the field survey that our department organized in the context of RES...
İZTECH Faculty of Architecture Orientation Programme
İZTECH Faculty of Architecture Orientation Programme
Autumn Semester Site Survey - 502
The location of the field survey that our department organized in the context of RES...
Autumn Semester Site Survey - 501
The location of the field survey that our department organized in the context of RES...
Spring Semester Site Survey
The location of the field survey that our department organized in the context of RES...
Fall Semester Field Survey
The location of the field survey that our department organized in the context of RES...
Orientation Week
The activities organized by the Faculty of Architecture within the scope of the Orientation Program...
Seminar of Secrets of Historic Lime Mortar
Seminar within context of Secrets of Historic Lime Mortar given by Dr. Elif Uğurlu Sağın...
Seminar of Cultural Heritage Management in Conflicts; the Case of Northern Cyprus
Seminar within context of Cultural Heritage management in conflicts; the case of northern cyprus given...
Seminar of Cultural Heritages and Conservation
Seminar within context of Cultural heritages and conservation given by prof. Dr. Cevat Erder was...
Seminar of introduction to historical structural systems
Seminar within context of introduction to historical structural systems given by Prof. Dr. Ayşıl Yavuz...